DeepWater Buoyancy and Tekmar Group are exhibiting together at the Floating Wind Solutions 2 conference.
The event will take place from January 30 to February 1 at the Marriott Marquis in Houston Texas.
About the Event
Floating Wind Solutions (FWS ’23) is the ultimate opportunity for those who are presently involved in or seeking entry into floating wind. FWS facilitates network opportunities with the right experienced people while gaining knowledge of the technical solutions available. Floating Wind Solutions’ mission is to utilize this platform to bring together the many critical players within the wind and offshore industries enabling accelerated adoption of Floating Wind Energy globally. This premier event’s primary goal is to accelerate the Energy Transition, by focusing on the industrialization and commercialization of Floating Wind Energy. A world class Advisory Board ensures that the program maintains its sharp focus on the principles of the mission.
Exceptional growth in the harvesting of Floating Wind Energy will be reliant upon the technology and experience of companies historically focused on the offshore Supply Chain. With few exceptions, these companies are the only ones who have ever designed, constructed or installed permanently moored structures of any kind. In addition, traditional Major Offshore Energy Operators are leading investors, developers and operators of Floating Wind Energy Projects.
If you have any questions about the conference program, please contact Andrew Chadderton (andrew.chadderdon@questfwe.com).
Learn more at the website – https://floatingwindsolutions.com/
At the Booth
Tekmar Group’s Howard Curtis and DeepWater Buoyancy’s David Capotosto, will be in attendance at our Booth – #503. At the booth, the companies will be highlighting their combined offerings in support of floating offshore wind projects.
Enabling the Future of Floating Wind
- Complete Engineering & Product Offering for Inter-Array & Export Cables
- Extensive Track Record of over 100 Offshore Wind Projects
- Vast Experience in Engineering & Product Design for Offshore Energy Markets
About Tekmar Group
Tekmar Group plc, based in Darlington UK, provides market-leading technology and services to the global offshore energy markets through its primary operating companies Ryder Geotechnical Limited, AgileTek Engineering Limited, Subsea Innovation Limited, Tekmar Energy Limited, and Pipeshield International Limited.
Learn more at www.TekmarGroup.com

About DeepWater Buoyancy, Inc.
DeepWater Buoyancy creates subsea buoyancy products for leading companies in the oceanographic, seismic, survey, military and offshore oil & gas markets. Customers have relied on our products for over forty years, from the ocean surface to depths exceeding six thousand meters.
Learn more at www.DeepWaterBuoyancy.com