Press Releasess

Tribute to Dave Cook
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our dear friend and mentor Sidney Cook.

UNE Global Marketing
For the second consecutive year, DeepWater Buoyancy has collaborated with Professor Tove Rasmussen and her Global Marketing class at the University of New England (UNE).

2024 Maine Manufacturer of the Year
The Manufacturer’s Association of Maine selected DeepWater Buoyancy as the 2024 Manufacturer of the Year.

Teledyne Partner Products Page
DeepWater Buoyancy is pleased to announce the new Teledyne Partner Products page of its website.

2022 Maine Exporter of the Year
The Maine International Trade Center selected DeepWater Buoyancy as the 2022 Exporter of the Year.

Tekmar Secures Contract for US Wind Project
We are pleased to announce that our UK partner, Tekmar Group, has been awarded a significant contract for Cable Protection Systems for a US offshore wind project.

DeepWater Buoyancy Chosen for Strohm TCP Jumper
DeepWater Buoyancy is pleased to announce that it has been chosen to supply buoyancy for Strohm’s first-of-its-kind, spoolable TCP Jumper.

DeepWater Buoyancy & Tekmar Group Sign MOU
DeepWater Buoyancy is pleased to announce it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Tekmar Group.

Buoy Conversion Kit for Teledyne RDI Pinnacle ADCP
DeepWater Buoyancy announced a new product today – a conversion kit to allow the use of Teledyne RDI’s new Pinnacle ADCP on existing ADCP buoys.

DeepWater Buoyancy in 2019 MTR100
DeepWater Buoyancy has again been selected for the prestigious Marine Technology Reporter “MTR100”.

Nautilus Exploration Program
DeepWater Buoyancy is now a Major Partner in the Nautilus Exploration Program.

DeepWater Buoyancy Receives OSHA’s SHARP Award
DeepWater Buoyancy has received OHSA’s Safety & Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) award.

In Print – Maine International Trade Center GlobalView
DeepWater Buoyancy was chosen as the lead story for this quarter’s edition of Maine International Trade Center’s GlobalView Newsletter.

Technical Paper: DoE Approach to Mooring Design
DeepWater Buoyancy collaborated with Maine Marine Composites on a technical paper regarding a unique design approach for a subsea ADCP mooring.

DeepWater Buoyancy in 2018 MTR100
DeepWater Buoyancy has again been selected for the prestigious Marine Technology Reporter “MTR100”.

DeepWater Buoyancy Grows Sales Team
DeepWater Buoyancy adds a new Sales Engineer to the US-based sales team.

DeepWater Buoyancy Selected for Maine Technology Asset Fund Grant
The Maine Technology Institute announced that DeepWater Buoyancy was selected to receive an MTAF2.0 grant.

StableMoor® Buoys Support Ice Studies
DeepWater Buoyancy’s StableMoor® Buoys have been chosen to support the Office of Naval Research’s “Stratified Ocean Dynamics in the Artic” study.

IN PRINT – Apprenticeship Program
DeepWater Buoyancy’s apprenticeship program for its growing workforce was highlighted in the regional newspaper, Portland Press Herald.

IN PRINT – “From the Field”
DeepWater Buoyancy was In Print in the DEC Issue of the Ocean News and Technology – “From the Field”.

IN PRINT – Pop-Up Buoy Recovery System
DeepWater Buoyancy’s Pop-Up Buoy Recovery System was found In Print in the December Issue of the Ocean News and Technology.

IN PRINT – Don’t Let the Ocean Knock You Down
DeepWater Buoyancy was In Print in the December Issue of the Marine Technology Reporter.

DeepWater Buoyancy in MTR100
DeepWater Buoyancy has again been selected for the prestigious Marine Technology Reporter “MTR100”.

DeepWater Buoyancy Joins MOTN
DeepWater Buoyancy is now a member of the Marine & Oceanographic Technology Network (MOTN).

ADCP Bottom Mounts for Aquaculture
DeepWater Buoyancy, Inc. delivers follow on order for bottom mounts to one of the world’s largest fish farming companies.

New Product – MiniMod™ Small Modular Buoys
DeepWater Buoyancy, Inc. announced a new product today – The MiniMod™ Small Modular Buoy.

Retooled Diver-Serviceable Bottom Mounts
DeepWater Buoyancy has recently retooled the popular Diver-Serviceable Bottom Mount and introduced a new fold-able model.

DeepWater Buoyancy Produces New “Square” Marker Float
At the request of one of our customers, DeepWater Buoyancy has recently completed the design, tooling and production of a new, stack-able marker float.

Metocean Services Selects DeepWater Buoyancy for East African Project
Metocean Services International has selected DeepWater Buoyancy to provide buoyancy products for a large metocean project in East Africa.

DeepWater Buoyancy Sponsors ADCPs in Action in Australia
DeepWater Buoyancy is co-sponsoring ADCPs in Action in Australia.

Retooled Cable Float
DeepWater Buoyancy has retooled the CF-12 Quick-Loc™ cable float using a new rotationally-molded design.

Gulf Coast Oil & Gas Representation
DeepWater Buoyancy, Inc. announced that it has signed an agreement with Waters & David Co. of New Orleans for sales representation of its oil and gas products in the Gulf Coast.

DeepWater Buoyancy Signs Maresco Ltd for Greece
DeepWater Buoyancy has signed an exclusive representation agreement with Maresco Ltd to provide sales and support of our Oceanographic product line in the country of Greece.

DeepWater Buoyancy Doubles Staff and Facility Size
DeepWater Buoyancy Inc. announced this week that it has doubled both its facility and workforce during the first eight months of 2014.

Worldwide Representation Network Expands Again
DeepWater Buoyancy has signed exclusive representation agreements with key business partners to provide sales and support of our Oceanographic products to our rapidly-growing international customer base.

DeepWater Buoyancy Chosen for Ocean Observatories Initiative
DeepWater Buoyancy has been awarded a major contract to supply flotation to the University of Washington’s Applied Physics Laboratory for the cabled observatory component of the Ocean Observatories Initiative.

DeepWater Buoyancy Ships to Scripps, Ocean Observatories Initiative
DeepWater Buoyancy has delivered a series of products to the renowned Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego for the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) instrumentation platform.

DeepWater Buoyancy signs on as Sponsor for Netherlands ADCP Workshop
The DeepWater Buoyancy team travels to the Netherlands in June as a major sponsor and participant in the tenth annual Aqua Vision, BV ADCP Workshop.

StableMoor ADCP Buoys to Bedford Institute of Oceanography
DeepWater Buoyancy, Inc. has shipped five of our unique StableMoor ADCP buoys to Bedford Institute in Canada in record time.

DeepWater Buoyancy Delivers Legacy Flotation Technologies Products
DeepWater Buoyancy, Inc. has re-launched the reliable, time-tested oceanographic line of syntactic foam products formerly manufactured by Flotation Technologies.

DeepWater Buoyancy Attends Buoy Workshop
Dan Cote, DeepWater Sales Manager, is attending the Buoy Workshop in San Diego California put on by the Office of Naval Research.

A Visit from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Chris and Dan of WHOI visit DeepWater’s new facility to take a tour and inspect their 6000 meter OBS blocks.