Mooring Matters

Mooring Matters: StableMoor® Buoys in the Bay of Fundy
For the next installment in our series of technical articles, we look at the use of StableMoor® Mooring Buoys in a recent project by Ocean Tracking Network in the Bay of Fundy.

Mooring Matters: The C-Streams Project
This month’s technical highlight discusses the C-Streams Project – Studying How the Gulf Stream Affects the Climate System.

Mooring Matters: Fixed vs. Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
For the next installment in our series of technical articles, Tekmar Group gives us a primer on Fixed versus Floating Offshore Wind Turbines.

Mooring Matters: Studying Krill Populations Using Moored ADCPs
For the next installment in our series of technical articles, ADCP manufacturer Nortek and scientists at NOAA bring us a case study on the use of moored ADCPs from Antarctica.

Mooring Matters: Uncertainty in Buoy Drag Coefficients
For the next installment in our series of technical articles, Ryan Nicoll of DSA looks at controlling uncertainty in buoy drag coefficient when designing oceanographic moorings.

Mooring Matters: Sustained Measurements of Crucial Ocean Currents – PART 2
Part 2 of Dr. Peter Spain’s article on the development of ADCP technology and the use of syntactic foam buoyancy in subsea moorings.

Mooring Matters: Sustained Measurements of Crucial Ocean Currents
For the next installment in our series, Dr. Peter Spain of Teledyne RD Instruments looks at the development of ADCP technology and the use of syntactic foam buoyancy in subsea moorings.

Mooring Matters: Mooring System Numerical Modeling
For the next installment in our series of technical articles, Dean Steinke of Dynamic Systems Analysis examines the use of numerical modeling in mooring design.

Mooring Matters: Choosing the Correct Acoustic Release
For the next installment in our series of technical articles, Rob Morris examines how to choose the proper acoustic release for an application.

Mooring Matters: How Fast Does a Buoy Ascend?
For the next installment in our series of technical articles, ocean engineer Jon Wood addresses an interesting question related to deployment and recovery of subsea mooring systems.

Mooring Matters: When low is the way to go.
For the first of a series of technical articles, we asked our friend and ocean engineer Jon Wood to write a short article about the value of subsea mooring of instruments.