DeepWater Buoyancy has the finest international representative network for oceanographic subsea buoyancy. What follows is the next in a series of articles on our representative groups. This time we are highlighting our representative in the UK – Saderet. Founded and still led by Andy Smith, Saderet is another of our representatives who have many years of experience integrating our buoyancy solutions into subsea moorings and structures. Saderet services our customers in this region from the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton to the Scottish Association for Marine Science in Scotland, in applications ranging from ADCP deployment to monitoring of aquaculture to support of offshore oil and gas operations.
Since 1998 Saderet has successfully served the land and marine survey industry with leading products and solutions. Founded by Andrew Smith the company now employs 7 and is based in the Isle of Man. Geographically the company offers equipment worldwide with a particular emphasis on the UK, Europe including Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Russia.
The company specialises in representing manufacturers of complimentary equipment so that complete equipment packages can be provided from one source. An example of this is Deepwater Buoyancy whose sub-sea platforms are offered in tandem with oceanographic instruments also represented and supplied by Saderet.
In addition to Deepwater Buoyancy the company also represents the following offshore equipment manufacturers including:
- Teledyne RDI Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers and associated oceanographic instruments including CTD’s.
- Teledyne Odom single and multi-beam sounders for seabed mapping together with the associated speed of sound measurement systems.
- Teledyne TSS gyro compasses, motion sensors and pipe/cable trackers.
- Hemisphere GNSS. Saderet is the official HGNSS Distributor for Europe and the Middle East and has established a 45 strong dealer network to promote and support the navigation and heading systems product line. The company also offers OEM board level receivers and Saderet assists customers in the integration of these products into their own systems.
- QPS software packages for hydrographic survey, dredging, rig moving and many other offshore engineering applications.
- Edgetech acoustic release systems for subsea equipment recovery. Edgetech also offers side scan sonar and sub-bottom profiling systems for vessel towed or AUV/ROV mount.
- Satel UHF and VHF radio modems for data telemetry, DGPS, RTK and vessel tracking applications such as rig moving operations.
- Chesapeake Technology sub-bottom data acquisition and processing software for geotechnical studies including offshore site surveys.
Saderet also supports clients with installation, technical support and training services as required. This is backed by factory trained engineers with many years of offshore industry experience. The company also offers first line repairs to keep customers operational, and some product lines are offered from stock to help with fast mobilisations.
Principle markets for the company include land and marine survey companies, harbours, container ports, universities, Government marine institutes, fish farms, OEM system integrators, dredging contractors, superyachts, racing yachts, marine archaeology, ROV and autonomous underwater/surface vehicles, pilotage, TV outside broadcast, precision agriculture, and fellow marine equipment suppliers and rental organisations.
Learn more about Saderet Ltd.
About DeepWater Buoyancy, Inc.
DeepWater Buoyancy creates subsea buoyancy products for leading companies in the oceanographic, seismic, survey, military and offshore oil & gas markets. Customers have relied on our products for over thirty-five years, from the ocean surface to depths exceeding six thousand meters.

Saderet offices on the Isle of Man.