DeepWater Buoyancy, Inc. announces that it has developed a new Pop-Up Buoy Recovery System (PUB) for the EdgeTech PORT LF SD Acoustic Release. Like the original product, the new PUB allows for direct retrieval of seabed packages, such as anchors, anchor lines, and bottom-mounted frames and instruments.
The new product was developed with EdgeTech’s product development team at the request of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.
Pop-Up Buoy Product Details
Easily mounted to any framework, the assembly sits on the seafloor until the acoustic release is activated. Once the release completes its disconnection, the buoy lifts free from the canister and rises to the surface. A synthetic line connects the buoy directly to the framework of the seabed item and allows for retrieval.
The buoy is outfitted with an electropolished 316 stainless steel frame. The canister holds 75 meters of 1/4″ synthetic line. (Other line lengths are available upon request.) The recovery buoy is made from high-strength DeepTec® solid syntactic foam. The foam is finished with an abrasion-resistant, polyurethane elastomer coating.
The canister is made from PVC and 316SS plate. It has a rugged design and has attachment features to permit various mounting configurations, including easy mounting to our BTM-AL50 tripod bottom mounts.
To learn more about the PUB – CLICK HERE
Acoustic Release Product Details
The PORT Push Off Release Transponder is ideal for deployments in coastal environments. The mechanical drive off system is the best choice for deployments where acoustic release mechanisms can experience growth or sediment build up. Its unique push-off mechanism provides reliable release every time.
The low frequency acoustic command structure is proven to be very reliable and is unsurpassed in multi-path environments.
- All Aluminum components
- Simple and easy maintenance
- Small lightweight package
- Medium load acoustic release
- Full transponder capability
- 1.25 years on alkaline batteries
- Reliable and secure command coding
- including Enable, Disable and Release commands
- Purge Port
- Auto Disable
- Tilt & Release indication
To learn more about the PORT LF SD – CLICK HERE

About DeepWater Buoyancy, Inc.
DeepWater Buoyancy creates subsea buoyancy products for leading companies in the oceanographic, seismic, survey, military and offshore oil & gas markets. Customers have relied on our products for over thirty-five years, from the ocean surface to depths exceeding six thousand meters.
Learn more at www.DeepWaterBuoyancy.com
About EdgeTech
EdgeTech is a leading manufacturer of underwater technology solutions. The company is known worldwide for its high quality products which include: side scan sonars, sub-bottom profilers, bathymetry systems, AUV and ROV-based sonar systems, combined and customized solutions. In addition to the full line of underwater survey products, EdgeTech provides reliable USBL systems, transponder beacons, deep sea acoustic releases, shallow water and long life acoustic releases, MRUs and customized underwater acoustic command and control systems.
Learn more at www.edgetech.com