DeepWater Buoyancy has the finest domestic and international representative network for subsea buoyancy. What follows is the next in a series of articles on our representative groups. This time we are highlighting our representative in the US Gulf Coast – Waters & David Co.
Founded in 1981, the Waters & David team has many years of experience in offshore oil and gas operations, the Military and Government sector, and all other aspects of the subsea market. It is a pleasure to work with such a professional group who, like DeepWater Buoyancy, have robust long-standing relationships in the GOM region.
Since 1981 Waters & David has served the recreational and commercial marine, marine safety, heavy lift, utility, towables, government, and oceanographic markets with leading products and solutions.
Founded by Bert David and Peter Waters, the company is now owned by long-time manufacturer representatives Chris Kelly, Clayton Smith, and Kurt Fromherz.
The Waters & David office is located in historic New Orleans, Louisiana. The team travels the Central Gulf South states spanning the Gulf of Mexico from the Florida panhandle to the Texas-Mexico border bringing extensive knowledge to both the customer and the manufacturer.

Working with DeepWater Buoyancy
Waters and David joined the DeepWater Buoyancy team of sales representatives at the start of 2015. Since then, they have been instrumental in supporting our customers in the Gulf Coast with products such as jumper buoyancy, umbilical buoyancy modules, and ROV skid buoyancy. Additionally, they have worked closely with our end users there on many custom solutions.
In addition to DeepWater Buoyancy, the company also represents the following equipment manufacturers including Ameritool, Booyah Clean, Dometic, Dutton Lainson, Fiamm, Indeeco, Jabsco, Kent Safety Products, Kidde, MPI, Optronics, Rule, Taco Marine, Taylor Made Products, Tie Down, and Yale Cordage.
See the full line of manufacturers here… LINK
As a manufacturer, trying to sell into an unfamiliar market can not only be confusing, but also quite costly. It can take months, if not years, to understand the dynamics of a given territory. Identifying potential customers, the individuals to actually call on, and ultimately qualifying those customers can be very time consuming. Add in the cost of traveling a large geographic area on a regular basis and it might not seem worth the time and expense.
For nearly forty years Waters & David has developed both working and personal relationships with the key decision makers at each of their accounts maximizing their principal’s penetration into the marketplace.
The fact that they have represented many of their lines for more than thirty years attests to their dedication and long-term commitment to their principals.
To learn more, please contact us HERE
About DeepWater Buoyancy, Inc.
DeepWater Buoyancy creates subsea buoyancy products for leading companies in the oceanographic, seismic, survey, military and offshore oil & gas markets. Customers have relied on our products for over forty years, from the ocean surface to depths exceeding six thousand meters.
Learn more at DeepWaterBuoyancy.com