DeepWater Buoyancy is pleased to announce the new Teledyne Partner Products page of its website. The new page showcases the company’s products that are designed to support deployment of the Teledyne RDI ADCP product portfolio.
The products are the result of decades-long collaboration between the two companies. The page allows easy access to information about the joint deployment solutions.
The Teledyne Partner Products Page
The page is organized into three Product Categories:
- Subsea ADCP Buoys,
- ADCP Frames
- Bottom Mounts
In each of the categories you will find:
- Information & datasheets for DeepWater Buoyancy products
- Links to more information
- A list of compatible Teledyne RDI instruments
- Product and field photos
For each of the Teledyne RDI ADCPs, there is helpful information and links to learn more.
A Long History
Over the years DeepWater Buoyancy has worked closely with and Teledyne RDI to design and produce a full line of deployment products. In fact, the very first ADCP buoy was made by the company’s predecessor, Flotation Technologies, back in 1986.
Since then, DeepWater Buoyancy’s customized buoys and frames have been coupled with Teledyne RDI’s quality precision ADCPs to provide industry professionals with an array of solutions to collect highly accurate data for coastal and offshore applications. This partnership follows decades of joint design and development efforts to meet the needs of their mutual clients around the globe.
A Recent Collaboration
When the Teledyne RDI Product Development Team was developing the Pinnacle ADCP, DeepWater Buoyancy worked closely with them to ensure fit and functionality with existing buoys. This allowed for full compatibility with end users’ existing inventory of buoys. In addition to ensuring that the products worked, DeepWater Buoyancy developed a full conversion kit that included a custom frame (required for the unique beam pattern), a replacement buoy clamp that doubled as a lifting tool, and a unique Buoy Lifting Strap System.
Learn more about the conversion kit HERE
Visit the Partner Page…
In addition to supporting the Teledyne RDI ADCP products, did you know that the company also produces products that are compatible with Teledyne Benthos acoustic releases? Learn more by clicking on the images below…
DeepWater Buoyancy creates subsea buoyancy products for leading companies in the oceanographic, seismic, survey, military and offshore oil & gas markets. Customers have relied on our products for over forty years, from the ocean surface to depths exceeding six thousand meters.
Learn more at www.DeepWaterBuoyancy.com
About Teledyne RD Instruments
With well over 30,000 Doppler products delivered worldwide, Teledyne RD Instruments is the industry’s leading manufacturer of Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) for current profiling and wave measurement applications; and Doppler Velocity Logs (DVLs) for precision underwater navigation applications. Teledyne RDI also supplies Citadel CTD sensors for a variety of oceanographic applications.
Learn more at www.teledynemarine.com/rdi/